Our activities

Inclusion and Transparency of the electoral process is strengthened


  • Capacity building, advisory and funding support to the NEC leadership and communication section.
  •  Infrastructure and tools to improve election-related communication and combat misinformation at national level.
  • Expert and financial support to CVE related to electoral events.
  • Support to sustainable and long-term CVE and public outreach.
  • Support to NEC Gender Section in developing formative influence over the NEC to mainstream gender-related policies.
  • Promoting inclusion and eliminating obstacles to inclusive political participation.
  • Promoting inclusion at the Liberia House of Representatives (HoR) through the implementation Of a citizen consultation platform.


  • NEC strategic approach to communication, external relations and disinformation management is strengthened.
  • Strengthening capacity of NEC, Civil Society and other actors in conducting civic and voter education.
  •  Improved access and opportunity of the right to vote for women, vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Institutional capacity and accountability of NEC and electoral stakeholders enhanced


  • Conduct capacity assessment of NEC and electoral stakeholders at all levels.
  • Developing capacity of the NEC in advanced areas of electoral operations.
  • Support to effective electoral planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation towards greater sustainability and accountability.
  • Support to credible and efficient electoral dispute resolution.
  • Strengthening CSO oversight of Liberia democratic institutions and processes.
  • Strengthening capacity of political parties in specific areas of electoral operations.
  • Support to credible and sustainable voter registration process.
  • Electoral logistics and procurement linked to management policies.

  • Support to training of electoral staff prior to elections.

  • Rehabilitation of remaining NNEC warehouses and security enforcement of NEC offices.

  • Strengthening NEC ICT and knowledge management infrastructure.


  • Projects capacity building support is based on detailed and realistic assessment at all levels.

  • Technical capacity and skills of NEC at all levels are strengthened.

  • Enhanced technical capacity of electoral stakeholders towards greater accountability and electoral integrity.

  • Increased integrity and sustainability of electoral operations, including the voter registration process.

  • NEC Infrastructure strengthening towards Greater Electoral Integrity.

Conflict Prevention and Mitigation Mechanisms to Support Peaceful Conduct of Elections are Strengthened


  • Election security forces act in line with international standards.

  • Early Warning Mechanism – strengthening existing national mechanisms to early identify and respond to electoral violence.

  • Raising awareness of Violence Against Women in Elections and its impact on women participation.


  • Electoral Security further improved.
  • Awareness raised and mitigation measures implemented to reduce Violence Against Women in Elections (VAWIE) 

Key activities

In 2017 the details of 2.14 million people are included on the voter register of which 49% are women and 51% men.

A UNDP facilitated meeting supported the drafting of the Ganta Resolution that is signed by all political parties strengthening their commitment to peaceful elections. This resolution provided the foundations for the Farmington River Declaration agreed at the ECOWAS summit in June 2017.

For the first time in Liberia’s electoral history 30,000 tactile ballots will be introduced at polling station level to ensure visually impaired voters can vote in secrecy enjoying the same rights as other community members.

A national civic and voter education campaign targeting the voting population is employing traditional communication platforms such as palaver huts and engaging community leaders to raise community awareness and increase voter participation.