Promoting more inclusive and accountable democracy in Liberia (2023 – 2026)

Liberia Electoral Support Project (2020 – 2024)

The project seeks to support the Government of Liberia to strengthen the quality of democratic governance. To this end the project aims at promoting a more inclusive, participatory, and accountable democracy in Liberia. The project responds to the challenges that face democratic governance in the country including weak institutions, underrepresentation of youth and women in political processes, electoral system challenges, and marginalization of vulnerable groups. The project also seeks to address some of the challenges that have led to weak legislative oversight and secretariat function.

This project is complementary to and builds on existing frameworks and plans of action such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), African Union’s (AU) Agenda 2063, the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) 2018–2023, UNDP Strategic Plan  2022-2025, UNDP Country Programme Document for the Republic of Liberia (2020-2024), UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2020-2024 for Liberia and relevant partners’ strategic instruments and policy documents such as the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (2020-2024) and European Union (EU) Gender Action Plan III. The project ties with Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) of the EU, aiming to improve the conditions for a peaceful and unified society as a base for sustainable development. Outcomes of this project are therefore in line with national needs and priorities, as well as development partners’ policies, and seek to support the government to deliver on its obligations to its citizens. 

The implementation of the project is delivered adopting a human rights-based approach that leaves no one behind. To achieve its expected results the project builds in a necessary flexibility to adapt to unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the period 2023-2026 and coordinate with the EU and other partners to employ a multi-stakeholder multi-faceted approach to break down silos and ensure collaboration, coordination, synergy, and coherence across programmes and across Government and UN agencies. This is based on the recognition that UNDP is not able to attain the outcomes outlined in this project without collaborating and working with other relevant partners.

This project is implemented within 48 months and incorporates the ongoing Liberia Electoral Support Project (LESP) 2020 – 2024, which was co-created and signed together with the Liberian government, the National Elections Commission (NEC) and is currently supported by Sweden and Ireland. The LESP retains its existing objectives, developed in line with the 2019 UN Needs Assessment Mission (NAM), taking into consideration 2017 EU Election Observation Mission’s (EOM) and 2021 EU Election Follow-up Mission (EFM) recommendations. The LESP post-election activities, specifically targeting capacity building and electoral reforms, that were not implemented after the 2020 Special Senatorial Elections amidst the lack of resources are re-programmed into the post-electoral period following the 2023 polls. Effectively, the LESP interventions will run until December 2026.

This new overarching project, incorporating LESP and adding two additional components to support enhanced participation of women, youth, and marginalized groups in political processes and increased legislative oversight, continues to be funded and supported by the EU, Ireland, Sweden, and UNDP and conducted through a Direct Implementation Modality (DIM). Its basket fund arrangements keep the Project open for possible other partners to step in and support its overall goal of promoting a more inclusive and accountable democracy in Liberia.

Stakeholders and Partnerships: Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) – The National Authorizing Office (NAO) is a key partner of the Project. MFDP is a member of the Project Board, a body responsible for the strategic direction of the Project. The Outcome 1 of this Project is implemented jointly with the National Elections Commission (NEC). 

The Project builds on existing partnerships on the ground. UN agencies leverage on the capacities and comparative advantages of existing projects and interventions to promote integrated electoral assistance and support under the Governance portfolio and this project. The project will also use the comparative advantage of UN Women in advancing women political participation. With the support of Sweden and Ireland, this project also benefits from the Team Europe Approach. European Partnership for Development (EPD) member, the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) is responsible for delivering some activities and results under Outcomes 2 and 3 based on their comparative advantage in empowering actors from traditionally marginalized groups to established politicians to play role in political life and work for a common good of their country.

Amongst the local organizations, the Project benefits from local comparative advantage and knowledge of Liberia Peacebuilding Office (PBO) to deliver Early Warning and Response (EWER) component to address the issue of electoral violence. Angie Brooks International Center (ABIC) will complement these efforts with the establishment of Women


December 2020

Special Senatorial Elections (half of the Senate) and the Constitutional Referendum

10th October 2023 (Presidential Run-Off 14 November 2023)

Presidential and Legislative election

October 2026

Special Senatorial Elections (half of the Senate)

COVID-19 updates

The global pandemic of COVID-19 and related health restrictions in Liberia significantly impacted the work of the National Election Commission (NEC) and hence the Electoral Project. While some activities had to cease, the Project has continued supporting the NEC in identification of activities that can be conducted during COVID-19, seeking alternative modalities of implementation, and business continuity planning.

Example of good practice during COVID-19:

In summer 2019, Liberia has embarked on the reform of the Election Law, which was based on public consultations, culminating in the list of propositions agreed to by the Board of Commissioners of the National Elections Commission (NEC) in March 2020.
Before submission to the legislature, the proposal was to be discussed at a validation conference, in the presence of national and international election experts.

The COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings, however, prevented the conference from taking place.

Following consultations with stakeholders, NEC, with support from the UNDP Election Project and its partners (EU, Sweden, Ireland, and Canada) implemented an alternative modality for consultations: they hand delivered the text of the revisions to all interested stakeholders, and comments were collected over the phone or online by the Elections Commission. UNDP further supported NEC in consolidating inputs of the international community.

This allowed NEC to finalize the submission to the legislature with stakeholder input. Use of such alternatives in dealing with stakeholder consultations can be considered in other, similar activities as part of developing a business continuity plan.

Million people are included on the voter register of which 49% are women and 51% men in 2017
Tactile ballots will be introduced at polling station level
0 -10-17
National voter turnout of the 2018 parliamentary elections


Renewed EC-UNDP Partnership on electoral assistance
Helen Clark on EU-UNDP Partnership in electoral assistance


Voter registration
Voter registration

Where we work

Our objectives

General elections in 2017 conducted in line with regional and international standards.

A new and accurate voter register that includes the details of 2.1 million voters 50 percent of which are women.

Increased participation of women in public life and in the administration of elections.

Strengthened capacity of the National Elections Commission to deliver future elections independently.

Sustainable Development Goal: 16 (peace, justice and strong institution).